
NW Washington News

Friday, March 14, 2025

Community Meeting on Coastal Flooding Vulnerability & Risk Assessment on November 19, 2022

Date: November 19, 2022

Time: 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Location: Birch Bay State Park, BP Heron Center*Address:7290 Birch Bay Dr Blaine, WA 98230

Please join us for a community meeting to learn more about the Whatcom County Coastal and Riverine Compound Flood Vulnerability & Risk Assessment project. The goals of the project are to better understand the compounding effects of riverine and coastal flooding along Whatcom County’s shoreline. Results will be used to inform policies and plans to build community resilience to sea level rise and flooding. We invite you to come learn about sea level rise and flooding projections, speak with the project team, and share your observations and priorities on flooding along Whatcom County’s marine shorelines and lower Nooksack riverine shorelines.

Why you should attend:
•    Learn about sea level rise, storm, and flood projections for Whatcom County
•    View hazard maps and share your experiences with flooding
•    Share your priorities for flood planning and management

We encourage you to forward this to your neighbors or others you think may be interested in the project or have knowledge of the area they would like to share.

Questions? Contact Chris at Chris Elder at CElder@co.whatcom.wa.us. 

If you cannot join us on November 19th or if you prefer to share your feedback online, please consider filling out a survey at https://bit.ly/WhatcomFlooding.

* Note: Discovery Passes are required for parking at State Parks. If you own a Discovery Pass, please plan on bringing it with you. We will have a limited number of day passes to share. 

Original source can be found here.