Suzan DelBene tweeted the following:
"The Pebble Mine Project in Bristol Bay would have had disastrous effects on our environment & fishing economy.Glad to see the Biden administration is protecting Bristol Bay, its salmon habitats, & the thousands of families who depend on them."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Suzan DelBene:
"As we begin #BlackHistoryMonth, lets join together to recognize & celebrate the contributions Black Americans have made to our country. We must also recommit ourselves to a fair & just society for all."Read on Twitter
"Congress & the Biden administration must work closely together to create new opportunities for American businesses by making sure the U.S. is a rule-maker, not a rule taker, in setting global trade rules."Read on Twitter
"Great to join my Digital Trade Caucus Co-Chair @RepLaHood at @ITI_TechTweets Tech & Policy Summit to discuss the importance of digital trade in our 21st century economy."Read on Twitter